Monday, October 7, 2013

Weight Loss Blog: Day 7: Rewards

There is just no way that I can physically accomplish something without a reward. If I have nothing driving me to do the mundane, then what the heck is the point?
In the past- it's been "When I get this done, I get a big piece of chocolate cake" or "When this is accomplished, I get to go get a large movie theater popcorn". Oh yes..... be jealous- but almost ALL my rewards are food. Surprised? :)-

Now, every now and then I'd go off my beaten path and get myself a cute shirt or something new to decorate my house, but more often than not, it was always the good ole' food. But for the last oh.....6 years- my major accomplishment is just like this:

One of the hardest things for me is going to be how to reward myself through this thing. So I've browsed my amazing Pinterest board and got a few ideas. A few ideas are posted below:

1) For every pound you lose, put a dollar into a jar and once you reach your goal weight, you use the money to get a new outfit.

2) Every milestone you hit, you reward yourself by getting a "free" day. (Eat what you want, do you what you want kind of thing)

3) If you have a large goal, once you reach it, take a trip to a location of your choice.

4) Aim for smaller rewards with smaller and more frequent goals by getting a new pair of shoes or a piece of jewelry or craft material of your choice. Whatever you like most, get something small to keep you motivated and happy.

5) For every milestone you hit, throw a party :)

I know some are cheesy and stupid- but hey.... a reward is a reward right?

My personal favorite is #1. I'm the kind of person that would typically go for #2, but I need to train myself not to have food rewards. Kind of goes against the whole point of losing weight and sticking with a goal just to throw food back at myself.
Anyway- I do like new clothes. And as I lose weight, it would make sense to get something to fit my body at the stage that I will currently be at than to continue to wear clothing too big for me.

I still have some thinking to do, but as of right now, I think I'll just keep track of my progress on here and then just get a whole new wardrobe when I become skinny again ;)

Yesterdays Weight: 169.4
Todays Weight: 168.6

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