Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Weight loss Blog: Day 2: My Plan- in Chaotic terms

I'm not a goal maker.- Actually... I take that back. I make goals all the time, I just have  hard time following through with anything longer than 2 weeks *Palm to forehead*
BUT, I am a list maker. I am organized, and doing something like this requires planning. Maybe that's why this will work this time? (and the fact that I feel obligated to do this every day will help too I'm sure)

I decided what I wanted to do before I started this crazy journey of mine. I'm going to break down what i plan on doing and why... because honestly, if you don't understand WHY- then what's the point?

First off, a lot of my inspiration comes from the one and only.....
Yes... Pinterest. It's my second love. And unlike most people, I'm sure, I actually DO things I pin. So here is the link to my personal board that inspires me to be more beautiful aka "Boo-tee-ful". (Gotta do the play on words here lol) There are lots of exercises, different ways to help skin and detoxify, and a few little makeup things thrown in there.
I'm a HUGE advocate for always feeling pretty. Whether you like your body image or not, you can at least wear clothes and do hair and makeup so you can feel good about yourself. (My number one recommendation for pregnant women out there)

I've started off with a few things on hand. I have a treadmill (although if you have back problems, Dr's don't recommend using them), a weight bench, and a few kettlebells/free weights. And if you want to include the Wii in there- I have all the Just Dance games and Zumba ;)- (Which of course, I prefer) But there are some good things to do on my pinterest board as well- some of which I will be doing and then reviewing.

What I did yesterday- I ended up doing the plain old boring treadmill: ran/walked for 30 minutes. I didn't have time to do my kettle bell routine as shown here, but that's on my list of things to do today. I want to aim to do cardio and some sort of weights every day.

I'll end up going through more exercising throughout this process- but I really want to talk about food.

Awwww my favorite. This is basically how I look at food-
Throughout my "growing up", I've realized a lot of things about myself that I KNOW won't change (or that I have a desire to for that matter). One of the main things is this: I am NOT, nor ever will be, one of those "healthy" eaters. I eat wheat bread...and that's about the extent of my healthiness. I eat processed food, I go out to eat a lot, I eat snacks all throughout the day, etc. I don't have feelings of guilt once I'm done eating, I simply enjoy it. I've attempted to throw out all processed foods, I've given up eating out, I've cut back on snacks..all to come crashing back into my life- because frankly- it's easier.

I think back to a documentary I once saw- Fat Head- It's about a gentleman who basically wanted to prove that you can lose weight without having to give up anything. It's all about portion control and calorie intake. (He ended up loasing like 12 lbs or something by eating doughnuts and crap lol)

If you think about it- everything out there is based on a 2000 calorie diet. I don't know about you, but even on a day when I splurge and eat everything in sight, It NEVER adds up to 2000 calories. I might get close, but don't think I've ever hit it.
I've kind of taken his perspective on things. I'm not going to go out and just eat whatever I want, whenever I want, in any quantity I want. Instead, I will watch my portions, and instead of eating 5 cookies like I want, I will only eat 1 :) Because if I'm being completely honest- this is how I typically treat cookies:

If you look on packaging, it will tell you approx how much 1 serving size is. When you take the time to actually measure out that serving size, it usually appears to be NOTHING. Well- take into consideration that that measurement is also based on a 2000 daily calorie diet, and if you are trying to lose weight, you're total daily calorie intake should be somewhere between 1300-1600 calories. So that 1 serving size should actually be SMALLER. Nice huh? Talk about trying to starve! But never fear- you've heard that eating more meals in smaller portions is better right? Well I happen to agree. I'd rather eat 6 times a day then only 3. My biggest struggle is between 2-5 when I feel hungry, but all I crave are sweets. I've attempted eating a piece of fruit instead- but fruit sugar and processed sugar DO NOT taste the same, nor satisfy the same. And that's something I need to train my body to be happy with.

Here's what I plan on doing in my daily diet. I've used a couple different free apps, My Fitness Pal and Sparkpeople, but my favorite to date (that I'm using now) is called Lose it. This app is similar to the others, but offers one thing that I LOVE....a scanner! You can scan the barcodes from the foods you eat and it automatically enters in the calories based on how many "servings" you had. Once you start up- you enter your current weight, and your goal weight- which will then give you your optimal daily calorie intake. 
Mine happens to be 1369. odd number, I know. But when you enter in any exercise, it compensates for that and actually adds calories- so no matter what, you should potentially lose weight, and you should reach your goal by a specified date (according to the app), if you stay within that range. And FYI- if I stay on this "diet", I should reach my goal by April :) (We can only hope)

A few other things I am doing right now- and I'll go more into detail later- is supplements. I am a huge advocate for natural things. Herbs, oils, the like to not just lose weight, but to increase your body's natural response to natural things. I like to use Dr. Christophers Herbs (I've used several and have LOVED how they work), and DoTerra Oils. I use oils for EVERYTHING. If you want more info on them, let me know- cuz I could talk forever on how they are beneficial. 
Part of my diet regiment is going to be Protein Powder to replace one meal a day, Garcinia Capsules taken twice a day (1 at breakfast and 1 at lunch), Doterra Slim n' Sassy oil, either taken in a capsule a few times a day or a couple drops in my water throughout the day, and portion control. 
Like I stated earlier, I will NOT be giving up the foods I love. I will enjoy my cookies and treats, just not as much or as often. I will no try to train my body into something that it won't do (or will, but I just don't have the desire to change it). I will also be exercising between 30 min-1 hr every day, with a rest day on Saturday and Sunday (I work all day Saturdays anyway).

And to leave this post- I will end up with a little funny and my weigh in for the day:

Apparently I've been doing it wrong too- lol:

My weight when I started was 172.6.
My weight today: 171.8

1 comment:

  1. Ok. Literally laughed out loud to the ecards of the cookie and the first one too. (I've seen the last one too many times to lol, but I still like it). :-D. Thanks for sharing
