Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Weight Loss Blog : Day 22 : I'm Habitual

I'm a creature of habit. If I like a certain meal from a restaurant, I order it...every.single.time. If I like a particular grocery store, I wont shop anywhere else, AND I'll shop in the same order every time too. (ok.. .so maybe I'm a little OCD as well) When I clean, I clean the same way. etc. I guess I am OCD- I get it from my mother. This funny is exactly how I feel

Habit, OCD, whatever you want to call it.. it's how I manage things. Its how I maintain sanity in all things. I am not afraid of going off a schedule or being spontaneous though- but I don't think I want to be sponateous when it comes to my weight loss.  Call me crazy- but I think I'll stick with what works lol

They say it takes 21 days to develop a habit. I am proud to announce that I have made that! I have officially made my exercising routine, my eating habits, and calorie counting are all a routine now. It feels so good to know that what I started out doing is now part of my every day life. 3 weeks is probably nothing in the grand scheme of things, however- it is the beginning of a life change. And for me... that's huge!

I find that I've been able to apply myself to something I thought I couldn't change. I've been able to exercise, which I've never enjoyed (still dont, but at least I do it), I've started eating better and not giving in to the delicious temptations, and I've given up a few things that I used to think necessary.

I think through the last 3 weeks I've been able to control myself more than I ever have. I've also learned about what can and can't get me through those hard days. And I'm proud to say that I've not given up and that I continue to stick to my guns and goals :)

So I'll keep trucking along until I reach my goal weight. 

Even when I make stupid mistakes like mixing up numbers......like below lol

Total inches lost: 
Off waist- 4 inches
off hips- 5 inches
off bust- 1 inch

10 inches total lost!!!!

And I'm down 6 lbs. So averaging about 2 lbs a week (which is just fine by me)

Yesterdays Weight : 167.2
Todays Weight :166.6

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