Saturday, October 5, 2013

Weight Loss Blog: Day 5: Some things DO work

In this quest of mine, I'm determined to FEEL good about myself. I know that I'm not happy with my body image, but feeling good is something I know I can do, and I think that's important. Getting a haircut, a new outfit, or whatever....feeling good about yourself is- I think- a very important part of not only losing weight, but getting yourself to a point where you can love yourself again.

Now I'll admit, I'm a very positive, confident person. Very rarely will you see me upset, mad, or down in the dumps. It's just not who I am. I do have my bad days, of course, but I prefer to be the "glass half full" type-o-girl. That being said, I think it's especially hard for me to be so negative about myself.  I hate that I can never look at myself in the mirror and think "DANG- I look good!". Nope.....doesnt' happen. And that's why I buy cute clothes :)- Because let's be honest, we'd rather spend money on THINGS to make us feel better instead of changing ourselves to make us feel better right? (dang...i'm insightful sometimes)

So when I walk around saying this:
I mean it. Really. Even though I don't have the body I want and look the way I want, I do believe myself to be awesome enough that regardless of how I look, I can still do the things I want to do.

This all leads me to an important point. I've mentioned before how when you're overweight, you'll believe just about anything to give you leg up on losing it? I'm still in that phase of where I want to believe there is still some things that can help me achieve my goal a little faster. And if it makes me feel good by seeing results, well then by dang- I'm gonna do it!

I was using my awesome Pinterest Page and came across this thing I've been wanting to try. It's a homemade body wrap. I've always wanted to try one, but didn't want to pay for it. So why not. Give it a shot and see what happens right?
This is not me. I'm not that thin. I don't see why she wanted to do this to begin with, but whatevs.... to each his own right?
You can view what to do here. It's way easy and it's actually not that bad. The basic idea is to find a lotion that contains caffeine, preferrably one that says it's a "skin tightening" type, and then seran wrap, and ace bandages. You apply lots of lotion, not rubbed in all the way, and then wrap tight in seran wrap and then ace bandages on top. then sleep on it for like..8 hours.

I put mine on around 8:30 pm and proceeded to feel like a statue. I was awkward walking around, since I couldn't bend over. Let me just say, go to the bathroom BEFORE you do this- because once it's on, it's very hard to sit down on the toilet. lol

Well- as embarrassing as this is- I will post pictures. You will ignore the grossness that your eyes will behold- but I want you to see REAL pictures.
Ok- so also disregard the clothing on the bed and floor. This is how I think of my room:
Oh if only! Ok...moving on......

So my waist measured 40" and my hips were 42" before I did this.

Don't know if you can REALLY see a difference- but hey- I can!
My waist measured 38" and my hips were 40". 


It felt weird. But it wasn't uncomfortable. I was able to sleep just fine and it wasn't bothersome. You can feel sweat dripped though- and that's a little gross. lol

The moral of my story: If there is something you want to try to make yourself FEEL better, then do it. (You know.. as long as it's not dangerous) It's worth feeling better about yourself to keep the motivation going.
I know that seeing some results only 5 days in gives me more motivation to keep going with my weight loss. I know that it's not easy, but who's to say that doing something like this, buying yourself a new outfit, or getting a haircut isn't worth making yourself feel good?


Yesterday's Weight: 170.2
Today's Weight: 169.2

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