I've got news for ya......
99% of the time- THEY DON'T WORK!!!!
I know..surprise, surprise.
So what exactly have I tried that works and doesn't? Seriously- the list would be long. But I'll mention all the ones I remember for one reason or another. A funny saying I've used over the years goes something like this, "I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight".
If only it were that easy. Seriously- I'd deal with a good stomach flu for a week to lose all this weight. But alas....I really don't get sick (knock on wood) so it doesn't work very well for me :)
And maybe I'd be brave enough to try the above.... but lets be honest- I'm kind of wimp when it comes to things that make me throw up.
Soooooo- my list.
Now- let me just say...For the last couple years I've gotten into the swing of things by adjusting what goes into my body for the purpose of helping it combat things naturally. And I know it's probably way bassackwards to eat crap food and expect my body to respond "naturally" to anything. But that's beside the point ;)-
I use herbs, I use oils, and I try to avoid medications and going to the dr unless absolutely necessary. It's not because I don't think they'll help- I know they can. God gave people the knowledge and power to discover medicines and gave Dr's the knowledge to help people. BUT, a thousand years ago, people used herbs and plants to help them with their ailments and stayed alive (for the most part), so why can't I try and do the same? That being said, I believe that most everything I've tried that hasn't worked- is because they are not "natural". If you read the ingredients on the bottle, there are more things you can't pronounce instead of things you can (even though you still don't know what the heck they are). That's the main clue to NOT trying something.
I think the earliest I can remember with trying some crazy diet pill was about 5 years ago. I walked into Walmart, took about 20 minutes reading labels and the bottles that claimed they were the best at helping to lose weight. I settled on Slim Quick
This was back when "hoodia" was just "discovered" as a weight loss supplement and it was HUGE. I took the first pill and within 1 hour, I was nauseous. And about 30 minutes later, I was throwing up. I spent the next 2 days not feeling well after taking just 1 pill. I thought "maybe I'm just sick with something", so when i felt back to normal, I did it again. Took one pill, an hour later got nauseous, and 30 minutes later was throwing up. That's when I realized it was the pills. Obviously my body was telling me it didn't like what I was putting in it- so I stopped and threw the bottle away.
The next thing I remember vividly trying was Raspberry Keytones. Now- I went to my local healthfood store to purchase something as close to "natural" as possible. Luckily, they had some in stock and I purchased a bottle of the capsules.
This was something I had seen on Dr Oz- Here is the clip- and it seemed amazing. I ended up watching what I ate, aka portion control, and did very little exercise like I usually do, and I ended up losing weight! I still love this product to this day and still plan on using it- when I go get another bottle. I'm sure if I really applied myself- like I am now- and used this, it would be beneficial. Plus... it tastes like Raspberries (go figure), so you seriously can't go wrong with it.
I then moved on to something else....the craze that was the HCG. Of course- I knew a handful of people that had done this and had truly succeeded.
They had all experienced extreme weight loss and claimed that it was difficult at first, but if you stuck with it, it would be amazing. So I tried it. Now being that I love food- this was a tough one. If you don't know what this diet requires, it's basically starving yourself. You take the drops right before you have a nibble (literally) and drink lots of water. Your total daily calorie intake is something ridiculous like 500. There are claims that the only reason you lose so much is because you aren't eating- but I think the drops have a lot to do with it. I stuck with it for about a month- lost upwards of 10-15 lbs. It was so awesome. Seriously. Losing a lb or more a day...can you beat that?!
The downfall to this, however, is that once you stop doing it and you start resuming your normal eating habits, the weight literally piles itself back on, within 1 week I had gained everything back that I lost. Now, regardless of how well it worked, I don't think that putting your body through the trauma of starving and then gaining it all back in that small amount of time is good. I opted to never try it again.
I am now currently using the latest fad (because when you are in my situation, you listen to these sorts of things) Garcinia Cambogia. Dr Oz's latest recommendation. ( I love him btw).
I specifically chose a product that I KNOW doesn't have any added fillers. I want what I want and nothing else. You are to take 2 capsules a day. I am choosing to take one in the morning and one with lunch. They are large capsules, don't have any flavor to them, and I have not had any unwanted side effects. I'm sure they are helping, but I'm also applying better eating habits along with exercise, so it's strictly supplemental. I guess you'll find out along with me whether they work or not.
Now there have been several others I've tried over the years- those ab belts that you wrap yourself in and then it vibrates and essentially "tones your abs"...yah.... stupid. Don't try it. There have been numerous kinds of pills and drops that I've purchased from local stores like Walgreens or Walmart. Obviously none of them worked, otherwise I'd remember them.
One last thing. I want to mention my oils. Doterra Oils are one of the best things on the planet. And I'll throw in a little explanation of how they work. Basically, the oils take effect at the cellular level. Take a single cell for example:
When you get sick, the bacteria attack the cell and eat at it. When you take regular over the counter medicine OR antibiotics, they essentially form a barrier around the cell to protect it from more bacteria. Sounds good right? Well- let's take it one step further. Your cells are made up of several layers. If you take a medicine that just covers the outside, what is it doing? It's preventing you from getting even more sick, but is it truly taking care of the issue? (bacteria). No. It's not.
Essential Oils provide that protection, and eradication. The oils not only form that barrier of the cell to protect it, it also goes IN TO the cell and gets rid of all that nasty bacteria. So it's not just covering it up...it's taking it away- and naturally! The oils are derived from flowers, herbs, leaves, roots, etc. They are amazingly effective and treating just about anything.
I use my oils to treat just about everything. I've used it for myself with pneumonia, my kids with rsv and bronchitis, burns, sore muscles, minor coughs, sunburns, scratches, disinfecting, etc. So when I use the Slim n Sassy oil, it's helping at a cellular level with my weightloss. It's a metabolic blend that helps with energy, cravings, and protecting those cells from unwanted fat and absorption.
Now- I am by no means a professional. I don't claim to know everything about all this stuff. I do the research, I find what I want and I try it. I learn what things do to my body and how they can aid my quest. Is it for everyone, no. Am I recommending that everyone needs supplements to help with weightloss, no. Take it for what it is. This is how I'm choosing to help myself, and hopefully it works for others out there as well :) The best suggestion I can give is this: All things in moderation and listen to your body. Don't go overboard with tons of stuff- regardless of whether it's all natural or not. Your body will tell you what it can and can't handle.
I'll just leave you with a little funny (which isn't so funny since that's how I feel lol) and my numbers.
Yesterday's Weight: 171.8
Today's Weight: 169.2
YAY!!!! (somethings' gotta be working right?)
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