Saturday, October 12, 2013

Weight Loss Blog: Day 12: Let your body be your guide

I aim for cheesy and corny titles.....or at least creative. lol

Today- I want to talk about something I've been noticing over the past few days.
I've gone through highs where I wake up, feeling "skinny" and good about myself, then there are days where I wake up and feel like I look the same and will never reach my goal.

All through this- I keep one thing constant...listening to my body. Sure- the other day my body told me I needed to keep eating food and I listened and gave in- but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking listening to what my body is telling me it needs to finish what I've started.

I have been sticking to my calories- for the most part- and I've been struggling through exercising, because I HATE doing it. And I think a lot of it is training my brain/self to the adjustment of changing everything I feel is comfortable.

Part of that "listening" comes from part of the story I told already. Back when I was "experimenting" with different weight loss pills and such, I got sick with a few of the pills I took. But what about the opposite experiences?

As I've been doing my usual routine the last week and a half, I've come to know a few things. Most Dr's recommend doing some sort of "detox" before starting a diet. That detox is cleaning our your system and getting it ready for the change it's about to go through. Now I'm not going through a whole lot of change, jut not eating as much and exercising. BUT- the theory is there. I thought that just not eating as much and exercising was going to help my body flush itself out.

I was wrong.

Through my eating of less calories and taking the Garcinia pills, I've been losing weight. Not a whole lot of complaints, but I came to realization that my body hasn't gone through a "detox" of ridding itself of the amount of crap it's used to ingesting. But lets also be honest- I'l never be one of the people that can eat "healthy" either :)

I see all these advertisements and pictures of people going from 250 to 125 JUST by taking this certain pill AND a colon cleanse.

That leads me to something else...When you are taking vitamins and minerals- it's suggested to use an accompanying  vitamin or mineral to maximize the benefits. Example: Vitamin C speeds up the absorption of Iron. So why should I expect to lose weight if i don't aid my body with something to help it flush itself out and help to absorb the changes?

Sooooooo- I've had these bottles from DoTerra that I haven't used for whatever reason. I wanted them and intended to use them, but was too lazy to actually use them. Until now. Once I decided that i needed to aid my body in it's changes, I wanted to help aid my digestive system.

My morning routine is now as follows:
1 capsule of Zendocrine
        Zendocrine does the following:
                           dōTERRA®'s Zendocrine essential oil blend is a proprietary blend of therapeutic-grade essential                                           oils of clove, grapefruit, rosemary, and geranium that have been studied for support of the cleansing                                     organs of the body. The blend is formulated to be used individually or in combination with the                                                 Zendocrine botanical extract complex.

1 Capsule of Terrazyme
        Terrazyme does the following:
                          dōTERRA TerraZyme® Digestive Enzyme Complex is a proprietary blend of active wholefood                                                  enzymes and supporting mineral cofactors that are often deficient in cooked, processed, and                                                  preservative-laden foods. TerraZyme's powerful combination of digestive enzymes support the                                                body's constant production of enzymes critical for healthy biochemical functions throughout the body                                      including healthy digestion of food nutrients and cellular metabolism of nutrients to energy.                                                      TerraZyme includes a variety of whole-food enzymes that help with digestion of proteins, fats,                                                  complex carbohydrates, sugars and fiber.

And I will be adding
1 Capsule of GX Assist:
         GX Assist does the following:
                           dōTERRA®'s GX Assist® is a proprietary combination of Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential                                     oils and caprylic acid that help support a healthy digestive tract by creating an unfriendly environment                                     for potentially harmful pathogens that can disrupt digestive immunities and cause digestive upset.                                         GX Assist is formulated with therapeutic-grade oregano, melalueca, lemon, lemongrass,                                                         peppermint, and thyme essentials oils that have been demonstrated to have in-vitro antimicrobial                                         properties. GX Assist also includes caprylic acid that has been traditionally used as for its specific                                         health-supporting properties in the gut.

Eat with my protein shake.

Then for my lunch- I take 2 capsules of the Garcinia.

Yesterday was the first day I applied my extra naturals to my pill regime and it's made a vast improvement already! I will continue on this path unless my body tells me otherwise.

Seriously... clean your system out. It's full of garbage. (even though I continue to eat some) your system needs to flush itself out of all that gunk every once in a while- and I want to train my system to expel the unwanted instead of letting it sit around.

With that being said.... try them- you won't regret it!!!

Yesterdays Weight: 168.4
Todays weight: 166.8


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