Sooooo...... What i'm talking about today is considered "taboo". Meaning: everyone can believe what they want and they can not agree with what I'm about to say, but this is my personal experience with it and I believe it to be amazing.
What is this amazing thing you ask? Well.... Hypnotherapy.
About a year ago, I got a wonderful opportunity to join a friend and participate in a 6 week course of Weight Loss Hypnotherapy. A neighbor of hers had just been certified and he was creating a system and needed guinea pigs. He also wanted to start building a clientel- so we totally sacrificed our time and weight to be part of this :)
Believe what you want about hypnotherapy. But my experience has shown that alternate methods of helping to rid your body and mind of negative and toxic things is only going to help. I will go through my process and how it helped me.
The first week, we were asked to fill out a piece of paper. That paper asked questions about our eating habits, what we do to control emotions, things we want to accomplish through the hypnotherapy, etc. He then handed us a piece of paper with a huge list of "scenes" on it where we could choose "where to go" through the session. We could go to the beach, we could go to an amusement park, we could go to outerspace (don't ask me how that is relaxing AT ALL), etc. I opted for the beach :)
A little explanation. Hypnotherapy -in this sense- is a type of self hypnosis. He guides you to relax and your body just naturally drifts into a sleep state (or sleeping all the way lol) where your mind is more formidable and accepting of change. I don't know all the logistics, but basically, when your mind is in that mode, your brainwaves act differently and your body responds more naturally to the influences. So when you see that magician hypnotizing someone- you know where their mind is. - and for my opinion- being hypnotized for sport or fun is NOT good. Having someone else in control of your mind is never a good thing- no matter how hilarious it is. BUT, with this, being self hypnosis- you still have control over everything going on. And not to mention, it's for bettering your body and mind, so I believe it to be a good thing. He explains it a lot better than I do here.
Anywho- so week one happens and the first session was way wierd. I remember listening to the soothing sounds and my mind was racing a million miles a minute expecting that I would be experiencing this weird sensation of someone else telling me what to do and then forgetting it all once I "woke up".
Total misconception.
I ended up staying awake the entire session and heard everything. I was relaxed, but my mind would not rest. It was fascinating. I loved it. And while he did it live- it was recording. The thing is that you have to listen to each session for at least a week in order for it to really take a hold.
So I listened to it for a week, then proceeded the rest of the 6 weeks. Each week it got easier and easier. At night, I would put it on and I would fall asleep within 2 minutes. And by what was explained to me- that is self hypnosis. It literally feels like you are just putting yourself to sleep.
This system is amazing. Although we were guinea pigs, we learned and changed through this process. I slept better than I've ever slept. I had tons of energy. I felt like my emotions were under better control and I tended to be slower to anger.
And now you want to know..... did I lose weight? Yes. but there's a "but".
This is one of those things that if you don't believe it will work- it won't. You have to be willing to submit yourself to change and believe it will happen. I was in it to lose weight whether I believed it would work or not. I didn't walk in to this thinking that it was a complete hoax nor did I think this was my saving grace. I had high hopes it would work and then I'd be happy.
However- I didn't apply it. I wanted to lose weight- sure. But I did nothing to change anything in my life to accomodate those things I wanted changed. So although I lost weight- about 10 lbs- it all came back.
This is not one of those "do nothing and see the difference" type of scams. This is real. This is changing your MIND. This is changing the way you approach food for whatever reasons you have. This changes the patterns of everything you are used to. And it's amazing.
After all was said and done. I decided to stop listening to the sessions every night because I wanted to get to a point where I was committed to change. Like now.
So I start tonight. I am so excited! Even if you aren't in it to lose weight, the emotional change alone is worth it.
So his site is called Leading Edge Hypnotherapy. Like his page. He hasn't posted in a while, but he did move his family to Arizona for his job- which takes a large amount of his time from what I understand. His system is awesome though. You can purchase his system here.
*his site is currently under construction- but I have messaged him and he assures me it will be up soon*
The most awesome review and experience is with his wife. She is amazing. Read through her blog and her experience and see how she applied his system and lost 45 pounds!
And if you think it still isn't real- I watched her through this process. Each week when I showed up at their house, she was noticeable thinner. She looked completely different just in the 6 weeks I was doing this program.
I will keep you posted, but if you are looking for an alternative method- I HIGHLY recommend using Jonathan's system.
And to leave you- I will add that this is how I have felt all this week. And that's OK lol
Yesterdays Weight: 169.4
Today's Weight: 168.8
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