Monday, October 14, 2013

Weight Loss Blog: Day 14: The 2 week mark

It's been 2 weeks since I started my weight loss journey. And this is usually the time I get bored of trying something and saying "to heck with it". I don't have the feeling of quitting just yet- so on I go!!

Now.... the last 3 days- I haven't been able to exercise because of my back. I did some research last night and got back on the ball this morning.

Here are a few things I found I could do:

1) Press Ups
Supposed to do this to strengthen the core muscels.

2) Extension Exercises

These help relieve lower back and butt pain :)

3) Curl ups/Crunches
Now... I will say, that my Dr said NOT to do crunches- but it's mentioned online that using the curl up method of just lifting your head and shoulders off the floor will help strengthen those core muscles as well. I was too chicken to try this one today though :)

4) Leg Raises
Pretty self-explanatory. But this exercise helps strengthen the lower abs, thus creating more support for the lower back.

5) Leg lifts in the water
This would absolutely be my choice if I had access to a pool. swimming is something I really enjoy doing- guess I should get a membership to a club just for the pool :) This targets lower back specifically. With the resistance, it also targets abs muscles.

There ya go! Even though I feel like an invalid and don't feel as though I'm doing ANY exercising at all, at least I can start somewhere before hopping back on to my treadmill and weights.

With that- I have to start something, because I've GAINED weight in the last 2 days. I'm getting kind of depressed seeing those numbers go back up... especially since I"ve stayed true to or below my calorie count. Guess exercising actually makes a difference! (go figure)

And as of now, this is basically what I have to deal with 

Also reminds me of the billboard- think I mentioned this too- "I love back pain- said no one ever".

2 week stats: (with the last 2 days of weight gain) I'm only down .2 lbs from last week for a total of 3.8 lbs lost. BUT- I've also lost 2 more inches!!! (so I'm OK with that)

Yesterdays Weight: 167.6
Today's Weight: 168.4

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