I've already shared that I love food. So the fact that I'm limiting myself on something I enjoy should automatically seem to be a sacrifice on my part. And it is.
When I'm sitting with family or friends or even just my husband, and they are all eating as much as they want of whatever they want, I feel a little sad that I can't be doing the same thing. Can I enjoy what I do get to eat? Sure. But instead of only eating 1 cookie like I promised I would, I find myself longing to keep eating them until I feel full.
Now, I have been very good so far and even though it's been a little shy of a week, I have not succumbed to divulging in food like I'm used to.
They say it takes 21 days to develop a habit. I keep telling myself that if I can just reach that point, then I should be fine. You know, like reaching a specific milestone in pregnancy- once you reach it, you can get through the rest of it. (or not lol)
There are a few things that I've learned about myself that help when I get hungry and know that I shouldn't be eating anything.
1) Eat a piece of gum. I know it may sound crazy, but just a stick of sugarless gum helps stave off the cravings.
2) Eat ice. Yes I said it. I am an ice chewer. I love it, I need it, and it makes me happy. I buy bags of Sonic Ice- the nugget kind- and I go through about 4 cups a day. And not just small cups either- LARGE cups. I refuse to drink water unless filled with ice. And as bad as it is on my teeth, I think it's a heck of a lot better than eating more food.
The fact that someone created this thing, shows that I'm not the only one. Did you know there is an Ice Chewers Anonymous? lol
Anyway- when the first 2 fail, I go to 3.
3) Eat a fruit. even though I prefer not adding calories, eating a banana or apple usually helps.And that my friends is how I'm not starving. I'm making sure I'm eating enough calories during my meals, and that I'm snacking on better things when I need to snack. So far.... it seems to be working :)
Yesterdays Weight: 169.2
Today's Weight: 169.4
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