Thursday, January 9, 2014


I forget what day I'm on....let alone what's happened the last couple months.

I can't believe how fast time flies when you get swamped. Seriously- it was just Halloween right?

I've decided that after a couple months' hiatus- that posting every day isn't conducive with my life. I do want to keep track of my progress and keep this up to date for those who need something to laugh at ;)-
So I'm going to have the goal of posting at least once a week- which should be doable.

To sum up what has happened since my last post- I have had my ups and downs.

The downs:
*I've hit another rut. I have lost more weight- but now I'm stuck at the same number for the last 2 weeks.
*I discovered that my will do exercise is completely based on having someone else who'll do it with me. I totally suck and doing it alone.
*No matter how few calories I eat (I'm almost ALWAYS under my daily calorie count), my weight won't change unless I add exercise and/or eating the right kinds of foods.

The ups:
*I've lost more weight!!!!
*My energy is up- I don't feel so lazy anymore and have a drive to get things done.
*People have noticed a difference in how I look
* I got me a "new to me" Eliptical machine!

Ok- so I'm way excited for the up's apparently. Yes- one of my jeans is too big. My husband commented on it before I admitted it- and that is always nice lol
I took a nose dive into a fashion thing that i've always wanted to do but never had the nerve to do it.....leggings. I am now the proud owner of 2 sets of leggings and i wear them proud!

I think with the new year, i always get high hopes and dreams of doing something- but I never follow through. It usually lasts a couple weeks and then falls by the wayside.

So this year- I made 2 simple goals. One- I won't bore  you with. The other... to exercise everyday. I think that's something completely doable- esp since I'm not putting any pressure on myself of how long I need to do it, or what i need to do etc.

Every night when the kids go to bed- husband and I trek down stairs and workout together. We put on a funny movie and go at it.I do my eliptical, then lift weights, then run the treadmill. then I make my way to the floor for situps, crunches, squats, and if I'm feeling adventerous- planks.

I was very sore at the beginning- but now it's "normal" to just work out every night. My body is used to it. even though I haven't seen a whole lot of difference in weight yet- I'm very optimistic that changes will come the longer I stick with it. The fact that I feel better about myself because of working out is good enough for me right now.

I think the biggest lesson I've learned so far on this journey is that it takes time. I can control what i eat. I can control how active i am. And if I choose to not do either one of those- then I won't see results. So I focus on what I can control and give it time.... and then the results will come. And I'm content with that.

So here is my "before" picture- taken when I started:

And here is my "now":

And yes- you better believe I'm "sucking in" in both of those pics! lol. HOWEVER- you can tell the difference!

So i started out at 172 something and am now 160! I have lost a total of 12 inches body wide. My inches really haven't changed, but I'm OK with that for now. 

So there ya have it. I'll do better and I'll keep my goal of posting at least once a week. So get ready to hear all my shenanigans again :)

1 comment:

  1. Good work Amber! I like the idea of working out with the hubs after the kids go to bed. We may need to do that also!
